{Navigate through the hearts}
Thursday, December 31, 2009 ,10:28 AM
I maybe creating a sub guild, another MilkShaKe guild. It's just a thought. It's really shocking how MilkShake have grown. So what if most members ain't lvl 12x above? We still maintain the family atmosphere and make sure it's known as a peaceful guild. ^w^
If most members consent to a sub guild, I'll really consider it. But honestly, I'll need help more than ever as having two guilds to take care is a hard job no matter how much I love MilkShaKe.
Thank you for making MilkShaKe a success. <3
Monday, December 28, 2009 ,9:34 PM
Guild Sweep-
We're having guild sweep when our slots maxed 100 members. Inactive members w/o informing GM/Jrs or did not leave message in cbox will be expelled. I'll give post a warning in blog then and give 3 days grace for members intending to be away for a period to inform me.
Public GQ-
We're having public GQ for all MilkShake members (30 max). Please refer to this link for more info: Guild Quest Run & more
Venue: cc12, Perion cab Time: 5pm Day: Every Friday
Saturday, December 26, 2009 ,7:13 PM
Guild xmas event: Decorate the tree is over and congrats to the winning party: XAranHeroX, KonpakuXD, HELLBoYzzZ & mehmehshiwo ;D
Below are the screenshots i took of their trees.

Drag image to address bar for larger view. ;D
P.S: Guild slot is expanded to 100 MAX le. xD
Friday, December 25, 2009 ,4:15 PM
First of all, I wanna say, happy xmas to all members of MilkShaKe! :3
Next up, I want to apologise for the delay of the guild xmas event: Decorate the tree. It'll be postphoned to 26 December, 5pm,cc12 @ NPC Cliff meet. Please remember to gather up in a party of 3 or 4. When the party are in the room assigned,idr of party, don't forget to pm me. Further instructions will be posted in the guild notice. (:
Monday, December 21, 2009 ,8:18 PM
I decided final date for guild xmas event will take place on the 24 December instead.
And there'll be random xmas event such as 'Find the gm' in Happy Ville. First 3 members to find will get in order- 1million mesos 500k mesos 200k mesos
If you don't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about guild xmas event, refer to: Guild Xmas event O:
All are welcome to join in. (:
Guild Gathering-cc12,rm22 @ FM
Everyone is welcome to join. Jrs are not allowed to skip this Guild gathering. There'll be updates on Guild Quest List, training party for boss?, discussions on events or upcoming events and more. At this gathering, me and mel will choose two members to welcome to Jrs position. (:
Date: 22 December 2009 (Tues) Time: 6pm
Note: Guild check aka guild sweep will be done during GG.
Friday, December 18, 2009 ,4:12 PM
I want to stress that there's two different types of GQ. One is private and another is public. Only GM or co-gm can organise GQ! All jrs plz take note! Private GQ is to help raise more points for our guild while public GQ is for fun,ty.
The list of people for private GQ: 1. x3TwiNkles/TwiNkleROX/stellarlar (VIP) 2. x3Twinkies/TwinkiesROX/x3BIeHBIeH (VIP) 3. Unspeared/DangoButt (VIP) 4. ShivaBen (VIP) 5. mehmehshiwo (VIP) 6. stormsheet 7. W0shiBish0pp (VIP) 8. p0wer0aran 9. FxckY0u 10. x33ToadBall (VIP)
Public GQ is for all members! (30 max)
As for now: Public Guild Quest will be organised after Guild Xmas Event.
Thursday, December 17, 2009 ,5:09 PM
Lost Rudolph Quest
You can find the lost Rudolph almost everywhere:
-Perion Street Corner -Evacuation Site 3/4 -South Field of Ellina(top) -Swampy land in the forest
[Note: This is based on what me & Gio knows only.]
Santa Claws Quest
Based on your levels, lvl 0-29 maplers are to collect blue boxes, lvl 30-49 maplers are to collect yellow boxes, lvl 50 abv maplers are to collect green boxes.
Blue boxes can be hunted though low level mobs like green mushroom, blue mushroom, pigs, ribboned pig. Green boxes can be hunt through high level mobs like skeleton soldiers, officer skeletons. As for yellow boxes, I'm not really sure. I'll edit this space once I get the info.
SB drops
Sky SB- Pigs Aqua SB- Octopus, Blue mushroom Sliver SB- Jr. Sentinel Gold SB- Cursed Eyetail Dark- Jr Yeti Blood- Mixed golem
[Thanks for providing the info, Gio aka DKPrata.]
Reminder: Don't forget our guild xmas event: Guild Xmas event O:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ,12:19 PM
Those rumors are false! O: Happy Ville is coming to Maplestory once again!
Guild xmas event: Decorate the tree!
You are required to party up in 4. Members are to buy everything they need to decorate their trees. Please wait for my instructions before heading to your respective rooms. Leaders of the parties are to pm me when you're in the room.
Meeting place: Happy Ville, NPC Rupi Time: 5pm Date: 28 December 09
Winner party members will get one gacha ticket each. Consolation partys members will get scroll each. (Scrolls will differ.)
Fairy Tale Land Event is coming to Maplestory next year for a short period. I may organise guild events for everyone based on this maple event. (:
Monday, December 14, 2009 ,10:07 AM
There's rumors saying that might not be any Happy Ville coming to Maplestory. D: So, the xmas event might be canceled or changed to another venue. Please watch this space. O:
Anyway, more updates as usual. Jrs please take note: Do not invite this IGN: HellofAran98. He did not respect the guild rules and verbal abuse one of the jrs. Members, please do your best not to be in the same party as him.
A lot of members are requesting for Guild Quest. Since the response is good, I'll arrange for another Guild Quest soon HOWEVER, refer to the post 'Guild Quest Run & more'. If you do not do your part, GQ will dragged even longer whereas it can be quite fast. Please click on the middle heart to view the cbox. Leave your ign as name and type the day where you prefer to have GQ.
Friday, December 11, 2009 ,6:35 PM
Well, I can't really say Guild Quest is a success. ._. Everyone were too noisy and did not obey simple commands. So here I'm gonna give you a brief idea of what me and mel expect at the next GQ besides the usual needs of max haste blah blah.
Stage 1: 1. keep quiet and don't pm/chat invite us.(We'll block pm,chat invite and guild chat at that time.) 2. don't anyhow whack the statues and keep still in the middle. 3. if you want stage 1 to be fast, listen to jrs and gm.
Stage 2: we need thief, mage to follow me and mel to get the keys, the rest of the members go to the rm to get the spears from the room.
Stage 3: After hitting the mobs, members don't pick up the scrolls/medals dat drop from the mobs. Instead, 2 members go get wine and another 2 members get food. Lvl 50 below members get up ladder or stay at top in case mobs are summoned.
Screenshot session:
 {Drag into address bar for larger image.}
Guild Check:
I'll be doing a guild check aka guild sweep soon. Inactive members w/o notifying me or mel will be expelled. If you're not coming online for a period of time, leave a message in cb0x or notify me or any jrs on,ty.
P.S: Guild slots expanded to 80 le.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 ,9:07 PM
All Jrs please take note!
Do not invite this IGN to guild: zimperfectxx
Verdict: Guilty of harassment [calling gm & MilkShaKe n00b]
Members are to avoid being in the same party as him. His maps are declared FFA (free for all) by me! However, if the map does not belong to him, ignore and cc. You're free to spam him via pm or chat invite. (: If he have a shop, spam or afk in his shop. (:
Reminder: Guild Quest @ 2.15pm sharp. Please meet @ Perion cab, cc12, @ 2pm,ty. Guild Gathering @ 4pm,cc12,rm22. Screenshot sesion right after Guild Gathering. So don't leave after GG is over.
Just for kicks xD :
 Dying at Mu Lung Tower. {Drag image into address bar for larger view.}
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 ,9:31 AM
Mu Lung tower party quest: I'll be organizing Mu Lung tower party quest for a party of 4 to 6 members. Anyone is welcome to join. This guild event is completely random. We'll ask in guild chat if anyone's interested to join in. Besides me, I'll put 2 jrs in charge of this event when I'm not on: Mehmehshiwo and melmel aka the other twinkles. If the response is good, I might make it a weekly event for everyone. (:
Guild Quest: I'm organizing a guild quest on this Friday,11 December @ 2pm. There are a few rules and stuff needed for guild quest. Please meet at Perion, cc12 @ the cab there. We're start as soon as we gather at least 6 members for GQ.
Rules- 1. You are welcome to join when you're at least lvl 10 above. 2. If you don't know what to do, then I advise you not to do anything unless told to. 3. Don't spam the party/guild chat. We need to communicate through them. 4. Lastly, have fun. (:
Needed- 1. Max teleport/flashjump 2. Max haste 3. Lvl 21 above- lvl 30 below character 4. Darksight( at least lvl 5 )
If the response for GQ is good, I'll try to organize more GQ in the future. (:
Other updates: After the guild quest, please proceed to cc12, rm22 for Guild Gathering. The Guild Gathering will be held @ 4pm. All jrs online are required to attend. Members are welcome to join in. The main purpose of this gathering will be held to choose 2 members to join the jr section. Last decision is final. There will be a Screenshot session in where the guild gathering is held. It will take place after jrs are selected. Please come and participate in the name of fun and silliness. xD
Screenshots taken will be uploaded in blog asap! (:
Monday, December 7, 2009 ,12:55 PM

MehMeh with GMIZezaki, thanks for submitting your SS. (Drag picture to address bar for larger view, ty.
P.S: Please send in your screenshots through email, sorry for the trouble. (:
Friday, December 4, 2009 ,8:06 PM
Fineee, members who have been asking to be ranked jrs, besides inviting people into guild, there's some rules and duties to fulfill. Don't think just being jrs makes you above others. Being jrs are being a role model to the members and helping to keep peace in guild.
There's no level to being a jr. I heck care your level, I only consider you for yourself. 1. Showing due respect to every member is a must. 2. Having the patience to deal with guild members. 3. Helping me with guild events and gathering. 4. Making sure the guild rules are followed closely.
Not only those above, you have to show me why you deserve to be a jr. So, you think you can handle it? Show me by being more responsible in guild.
Jrs will be selected by current jrs and me. And the 2 jrs will be chosen from the circle by members vote. You do not get to vote for yourself, ty.
P.s: Currently, we DO NOT need any jrs. Stop asking, ty.
,1:50 PM
Please note:
We're having a guild members check aka sweep in 3 days' time. Those who are inactive with '???' in their ranks will be expelled. This is a warning to members who have not been logging online lately. If you need to be absent for a period of time, please notify me or melmel or in any case, leave a message in the cbox.
No other warnings will be issued from tomorrow onwards.
Guild members check: 7 December 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009 ,9:22 PM
Please take note all:
I'll be having a guild check soon. That means inactive members with ??? in their ranks will likely be expelled. So if you do have reasons for being inactive, please post on the cbox, stating why and when can you be on. Don't forget to leave your name as IGN.
Expansion of slots:
I'm doing my best to expand slots to add more ppl to MilkShake. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. (:
Thursday, December 31, 2009 , 10:28 AM
I maybe creating a sub guild, another MilkShaKe guild. It's just a thought. It's really shocking how MilkShake have grown. So what if most members ain't lvl 12x above? We still maintain the family atmosphere and make sure it's known as a peaceful guild. ^w^
If most members consent to a sub guild, I'll really consider it. But honestly, I'll need help more than ever as having two guilds to take care is a hard job no matter how much I love MilkShaKe.
Thank you for making MilkShaKe a success. <3
Monday, December 28, 2009 , 9:34 PM
Guild Sweep-
We're having guild sweep when our slots maxed 100 members. Inactive members w/o informing GM/Jrs or did not leave message in cbox will be expelled. I'll give post a warning in blog then and give 3 days grace for members intending to be away for a period to inform me.
Public GQ-
We're having public GQ for all MilkShake members (30 max). Please refer to this link for more info: Guild Quest Run & more
Venue: cc12, Perion cab Time: 5pm Day: Every Friday
Saturday, December 26, 2009 , 7:13 PM
Guild xmas event: Decorate the tree is over and congrats to the winning party: XAranHeroX, KonpakuXD, HELLBoYzzZ & mehmehshiwo ;D
Below are the screenshots i took of their trees.

Drag image to address bar for larger view. ;D
P.S: Guild slot is expanded to 100 MAX le. xD
Friday, December 25, 2009 , 4:15 PM
First of all, I wanna say, happy xmas to all members of MilkShaKe! :3
Next up, I want to apologise for the delay of the guild xmas event: Decorate the tree. It'll be postphoned to 26 December, 5pm,cc12 @ NPC Cliff meet. Please remember to gather up in a party of 3 or 4. When the party are in the room assigned,idr of party, don't forget to pm me. Further instructions will be posted in the guild notice. (:
Monday, December 21, 2009 , 8:18 PM
I decided final date for guild xmas event will take place on the 24 December instead.
And there'll be random xmas event such as 'Find the gm' in Happy Ville. First 3 members to find will get in order- 1million mesos 500k mesos 200k mesos
If you don't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about guild xmas event, refer to: Guild Xmas event O:
All are welcome to join in. (:
Guild Gathering-cc12,rm22 @ FM
Everyone is welcome to join. Jrs are not allowed to skip this Guild gathering. There'll be updates on Guild Quest List, training party for boss?, discussions on events or upcoming events and more. At this gathering, me and mel will choose two members to welcome to Jrs position. (:
Date: 22 December 2009 (Tues) Time: 6pm
Note: Guild check aka guild sweep will be done during GG.
Friday, December 18, 2009 , 4:12 PM
I want to stress that there's two different types of GQ. One is private and another is public. Only GM or co-gm can organise GQ! All jrs plz take note! Private GQ is to help raise more points for our guild while public GQ is for fun,ty.
The list of people for private GQ: 1. x3TwiNkles/TwiNkleROX/stellarlar (VIP) 2. x3Twinkies/TwinkiesROX/x3BIeHBIeH (VIP) 3. Unspeared/DangoButt (VIP) 4. ShivaBen (VIP) 5. mehmehshiwo (VIP) 6. stormsheet 7. W0shiBish0pp (VIP) 8. p0wer0aran 9. FxckY0u 10. x33ToadBall (VIP)
Public GQ is for all members! (30 max)
As for now: Public Guild Quest will be organised after Guild Xmas Event.
Thursday, December 17, 2009 , 5:09 PM
Lost Rudolph Quest
You can find the lost Rudolph almost everywhere:
-Perion Street Corner -Evacuation Site 3/4 -South Field of Ellina(top) -Swampy land in the forest
[Note: This is based on what me & Gio knows only.]
Santa Claws Quest
Based on your levels, lvl 0-29 maplers are to collect blue boxes, lvl 30-49 maplers are to collect yellow boxes, lvl 50 abv maplers are to collect green boxes.
Blue boxes can be hunted though low level mobs like green mushroom, blue mushroom, pigs, ribboned pig. Green boxes can be hunt through high level mobs like skeleton soldiers, officer skeletons. As for yellow boxes, I'm not really sure. I'll edit this space once I get the info.
SB drops
Sky SB- Pigs Aqua SB- Octopus, Blue mushroom Sliver SB- Jr. Sentinel Gold SB- Cursed Eyetail Dark- Jr Yeti Blood- Mixed golem
[Thanks for providing the info, Gio aka DKPrata.]
Reminder: Don't forget our guild xmas event: Guild Xmas event O:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 , 12:19 PM
Those rumors are false! O: Happy Ville is coming to Maplestory once again!
Guild xmas event: Decorate the tree!
You are required to party up in 4. Members are to buy everything they need to decorate their trees. Please wait for my instructions before heading to your respective rooms. Leaders of the parties are to pm me when you're in the room.
Meeting place: Happy Ville, NPC Rupi Time: 5pm Date: 28 December 09
Winner party members will get one gacha ticket each. Consolation partys members will get scroll each. (Scrolls will differ.)
Fairy Tale Land Event is coming to Maplestory next year for a short period. I may organise guild events for everyone based on this maple event. (:
Monday, December 14, 2009 , 10:07 AM
There's rumors saying that might not be any Happy Ville coming to Maplestory. D: So, the xmas event might be canceled or changed to another venue. Please watch this space. O:
Anyway, more updates as usual. Jrs please take note: Do not invite this IGN: HellofAran98. He did not respect the guild rules and verbal abuse one of the jrs. Members, please do your best not to be in the same party as him.
A lot of members are requesting for Guild Quest. Since the response is good, I'll arrange for another Guild Quest soon HOWEVER, refer to the post 'Guild Quest Run & more'. If you do not do your part, GQ will dragged even longer whereas it can be quite fast. Please click on the middle heart to view the cbox. Leave your ign as name and type the day where you prefer to have GQ.
Friday, December 11, 2009 , 6:35 PM
Well, I can't really say Guild Quest is a success. ._. Everyone were too noisy and did not obey simple commands. So here I'm gonna give you a brief idea of what me and mel expect at the next GQ besides the usual needs of max haste blah blah.
Stage 1: 1. keep quiet and don't pm/chat invite us.(We'll block pm,chat invite and guild chat at that time.) 2. don't anyhow whack the statues and keep still in the middle. 3. if you want stage 1 to be fast, listen to jrs and gm.
Stage 2: we need thief, mage to follow me and mel to get the keys, the rest of the members go to the rm to get the spears from the room.
Stage 3: After hitting the mobs, members don't pick up the scrolls/medals dat drop from the mobs. Instead, 2 members go get wine and another 2 members get food. Lvl 50 below members get up ladder or stay at top in case mobs are summoned.
Screenshot session:
 {Drag into address bar for larger image.}
Guild Check:
I'll be doing a guild check aka guild sweep soon. Inactive members w/o notifying me or mel will be expelled. If you're not coming online for a period of time, leave a message in cb0x or notify me or any jrs on,ty.
P.S: Guild slots expanded to 80 le.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 , 9:07 PM
All Jrs please take note!
Do not invite this IGN to guild: zimperfectxx
Verdict: Guilty of harassment [calling gm & MilkShaKe n00b]
Members are to avoid being in the same party as him. His maps are declared FFA (free for all) by me! However, if the map does not belong to him, ignore and cc. You're free to spam him via pm or chat invite. (: If he have a shop, spam or afk in his shop. (:
Reminder: Guild Quest @ 2.15pm sharp. Please meet @ Perion cab, cc12, @ 2pm,ty. Guild Gathering @ 4pm,cc12,rm22. Screenshot sesion right after Guild Gathering. So don't leave after GG is over.
Just for kicks xD :
 Dying at Mu Lung Tower. {Drag image into address bar for larger view.}
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 , 9:31 AM
Mu Lung tower party quest: I'll be organizing Mu Lung tower party quest for a party of 4 to 6 members. Anyone is welcome to join. This guild event is completely random. We'll ask in guild chat if anyone's interested to join in. Besides me, I'll put 2 jrs in charge of this event when I'm not on: Mehmehshiwo and melmel aka the other twinkles. If the response is good, I might make it a weekly event for everyone. (:
Guild Quest: I'm organizing a guild quest on this Friday,11 December @ 2pm. There are a few rules and stuff needed for guild quest. Please meet at Perion, cc12 @ the cab there. We're start as soon as we gather at least 6 members for GQ.
Rules- 1. You are welcome to join when you're at least lvl 10 above. 2. If you don't know what to do, then I advise you not to do anything unless told to. 3. Don't spam the party/guild chat. We need to communicate through them. 4. Lastly, have fun. (:
Needed- 1. Max teleport/flashjump 2. Max haste 3. Lvl 21 above- lvl 30 below character 4. Darksight( at least lvl 5 )
If the response for GQ is good, I'll try to organize more GQ in the future. (:
Other updates: After the guild quest, please proceed to cc12, rm22 for Guild Gathering. The Guild Gathering will be held @ 4pm. All jrs online are required to attend. Members are welcome to join in. The main purpose of this gathering will be held to choose 2 members to join the jr section. Last decision is final. There will be a Screenshot session in where the guild gathering is held. It will take place after jrs are selected. Please come and participate in the name of fun and silliness. xD
Screenshots taken will be uploaded in blog asap! (:
Monday, December 7, 2009 , 12:55 PM

MehMeh with GMIZezaki, thanks for submitting your SS. (Drag picture to address bar for larger view, ty.
P.S: Please send in your screenshots through email, sorry for the trouble. (:
Friday, December 4, 2009 , 8:06 PM
Fineee, members who have been asking to be ranked jrs, besides inviting people into guild, there's some rules and duties to fulfill. Don't think just being jrs makes you above others. Being jrs are being a role model to the members and helping to keep peace in guild.
There's no level to being a jr. I heck care your level, I only consider you for yourself. 1. Showing due respect to every member is a must. 2. Having the patience to deal with guild members. 3. Helping me with guild events and gathering. 4. Making sure the guild rules are followed closely.
Not only those above, you have to show me why you deserve to be a jr. So, you think you can handle it? Show me by being more responsible in guild.
Jrs will be selected by current jrs and me. And the 2 jrs will be chosen from the circle by members vote. You do not get to vote for yourself, ty.
P.s: Currently, we DO NOT need any jrs. Stop asking, ty.
, 1:50 PM
Please note:
We're having a guild members check aka sweep in 3 days' time. Those who are inactive with '???' in their ranks will be expelled. This is a warning to members who have not been logging online lately. If you need to be absent for a period of time, please notify me or melmel or in any case, leave a message in the cbox.
No other warnings will be issued from tomorrow onwards.
Guild members check: 7 December 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009 , 9:22 PM
Please take note all:
I'll be having a guild check soon. That means inactive members with ??? in their ranks will likely be expelled. So if you do have reasons for being inactive, please post on the cbox, stating why and when can you be on. Don't forget to leave your name as IGN.
Expansion of slots:
I'm doing my best to expand slots to add more ppl to MilkShake. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. (:
By post:
MMVs I found. ;o
Inactive member sweep
Xmas event
Temporary change to Inactive member sweep
Random MMVs
Screenshot session+GPQ
Guild alliance
Updates and member sweep
Recruitment drive+extras
By month:
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
December 2010
January 2011
August 2011
MilkShaKe Guild Rules & Vision
Yesh, i noe, you hate dis part. Abide by rules pl0x. It's simple.
Before i decided to create MilkShaKe, I can very well notice that Izar's guilds are all classify into different categories. If it's not levels, it's jobs. If it's not jobs, it's the so called 'cashiness' of one person. For me, I believe guilds should not be accordingly to those. Guilds are after all, should have a family-like atmosphere.
Thus, MilkShaKe invites people regardless of level/age/job/cash. But due to some members wanting to have a level requirement, please recruit lvl 20 above, thank you. (:
1. Politeness. Please respect your guildmates, I don't want any childish quarrel in the guild, if you insist, do it through whisper/chat invite.
2.Ks. Please try your best to stay out of ks war. I prefer MilkShaKe to be known as a peaceful guild. If you are caught in the middle of other guilds' ks war, leave map immmediately! If you want to ks (for helping buddies only, NO KS FOR FUN), notify me or any jrs online and leave guild temporarily.
3.Scam. I don't tolerate scammers/hackers in guild. That said, you should know what I mean.
4.-to jrs- Don't play with the guild notice.
5-to jrs- Don't play with guild ranks either.
Guild master-LoVeIt
Jr Master-ShaKeIt
Girls-Ichigo [Strawberry in Japanese]
Boys-Shokora [Chocolate in Japanese]
Newcomer-H2oH2o [water] {You will attain the proper ranking after staying for a few days.}
Name: Iris
Email: xy_musical_love@hotmail.com
Blog: http://momoayame-chan.blogspot.com/
Maple IGN x3TwiNkles or also known as stellar(delp/eridus/fornax/hercules/izar)
MilkShaKe ☂ ShaKe on 29 November 09
♚ x3TwinKles twins
✄ thank you for making MilkShaKe a success! ✄
